Don’t forget to register! Deadlines closing for 2024/25 and our summer camp.

Registrations & re-registrations:

We would like to warmly thank the numerous parents who have already re-registered their children for the new year and invite all others to complete this process here before March 31; the campaign for new registrations following our open house days has also started off very well.

Works on premises:

As you may have noticed, our German partners have just launched construction work at the school with particular attention from our side on the association beforehand and communication to all stakeholders regarding the procedures and schedules. A Works Committee has been set up for this purpose, and we have proposed to our German counterparts to ensure broader communication to parents before summer to provide updates on the latest news and prospects.

Super Summer camp :

A big thank you also to all the parents who have already registered their children for our Super Summer Camp in Stobrec / Split. There are still a few spots available and a video message for you from our two amazing instructors.

Book here!


Améliorations de la bibliothèque, prochaine réunion pour les enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux, sorties, inscriptions.


N'oubliez pas de vous inscrire ! Les délais arrivent à échéance pour 2024/25 et notre camp d'été.