School governance
A school managed by parent volunteers
FISZ is a private, non-profit educational institution registered under Croatian law and financed, in large part, thanks to your tuition fees.
At FISZ, parents retain full control over the management of the school, including formulating a strategy and overseeing its execution. They do so via the Association for the Development and Support of the French School in Zagreb.
The Association is a non-profit organization registered under Croatian law. It oversees the administrative and financial management of the school and ensures its further promotion and strategic development.
All parents of children attending the school automatically become members of the Association and remain so for the duration of their child's attendance. All parents are, therefore, invited to participate in decisions concerning the school.
Decision-making bodies
The General Assembly puts forward ideas and projects aimed at the development of the school. The Management Committee carries out those decisions and oversees the school's operations.
The Management Committee is responsible for the management of human resources, formulation and execution of the budget, and overseeing regular business operations. This is realized in close collaboration with the school principal, who is entrusted with the pedagogical aspects of the school’s management.
The Committee is elected by the General Assembly and composed of at least three members: President, Secretary, and Treasurer — always an odd number.
Management Committee
The General Assembly is the Association’s main decision body. It approves the Association statutes, elects members to the Management Committee, approves the President's annual report on the Association's activities, oversees the school's finances, and takes all relevant actions on behalf of the Association.
This body meets at least twice a year.
General Assembly
Get a copy the Association's by-laws to learn more about our governance structure and decision-making process.
Our pedagogical leadership
The pedagogical leadership of the school is carried out by the principal, an official of French National Education, appointed by AEFE. The principal presides over the school council, leads the teaching team, and defines the school's pedagogical policy.
Members of the Management Committee
Members of the Management Committee are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term, renewable.
Franck Sottou
Diego Perez-Tenessa
Frano Šušnjara
Valentina Hrsak
Board Member
Jerónimo Fuentes
Board Member
We are always on the lookout for new parent volunteers to join the Board of Trustees.
Get involved
Have a question or concern?
To contact the Board of Trustees, please write to asso@efz.hr, including your name and the subject of your request. Or simply fill out the form below to get in touch with us in just a couple of clicks.