Our membership in the Agency for French Education Abroad network assures the highest quality of instruction.
Our school is part of the network of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) and is subject to regular inspections by the French Ministry of National Education. We also enjoy the patronage of the French Embassy and are recognized by the Croatian Ministry of Education.
Our program is identical to that offered by other schools in France, with the addition of reinforced language learning, which drives our mission as a French school abroad. We also offer the excellence of the French curriculum in the exceptional setting of the Zagreb Eurocampus.
Our programs are in full compliance with Croatian educational requirements, and we offer our Croatian students the required courses in the Croatian language, history, and geography.
Thanks to our partnerships with Croatian educational institutions, students who wish to leave the French system and continue their studies in the Croatian system benefit from personalized support.
Accredited by the Croatian Ministry of Education

A global school network unlike any other
Thanks to its membership in a dynamic and open international network, FISZ offers a particularly enriching education to its students.
AEFE, a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, steers the network of French educational institutions with the mission of ensuring the schooling of children of French families outside France. The network also contributes to the influence of the French language and culture and participates in the strengthening of cooperation between the French and foreign educational systems.
535 primary, middle, and high schools, operating in 139 countries, offer an education that meets the high standard of the French education system. These accredited schools uphold humanistic values — tolerance, gender equality, equal opportunity, intellectual curiosity, and the fostering of critical thinking — and allow for continued education, with no interruptions from preschool all the way to the baccalaureate.
Explore the French education system
Discover more about the French education system, its openness to other cultures and languages, and the FISZ approach to teaching.