Why choose the French education system
The French education system consists of three levels: primary, secondary, and higher. Primary and secondary school curricula are standardized across all French schools worldwide.

Primary education
In France, formal education begins at the age of three, when children start attending kindergarten.
In the French system, primary education lasts 8 years (3 years in kindergarten and 5 years in elementary school) and is organized in three cycles. To ensure a successful transition from primary to secondary school, the first year of middle school is included in the final cycle of primary education — Cycle 3.
This cyclical structure allows teachers to work in teams and to employ a flexible approach in the implementation of the different stages of learning. All of our teachers are fully qualified — they have the diplomas and certifications required to teach in both French and Croatian education systems.
Cycle 1: Maternelle
The concept of école maternelle is particular to the French system. It is the first learning cycle, for children ages 3 to 6 and composed of three distinct levels. During this cycle, the primary objective is to prepare children for elementary education by facilitating learning in a protective environment.
Little Section (PS)
The first year of maternelle, comparable nursery in some countries, for children ages 3 to 4
Middle Section (MS)
The second year of maternelle, comparable to pre-kindergarten, for children ages 4 to 5
Grand Section (GS)
The third year of maternelle, comparable to kindergarten, for children ages 5 to 6
Cycle 2: Elementary school
Cycle 2 focuses on the acquisition of basic learning skills with a particular focus on reading, writing, and numeracy, in accordance with formal curricula and through a variety of challenging activities.
1st Grade (CP)
The first year of primary school (6 to 7 years old)
2nd Grade (CE1)
The second year of primary school (7 to 8 years old)
3rd Grade (CE2)
The third year of primary school (8 to 9 years old)
Cycle 3: Elementary school
Cycle 3 focuses on strengthening the skills students acquired during Cycle 2, broadening their knowledge base, and developing learning methods they will need to move on to secondary school autonomously and confidently.
4th Grade (CM1)
The fourth year of primary school (9 to 10 years old)
5th Grade (CM2)
The fifth year of primary school (10 to 11 years old)
6th Grade
The first year of middle school (referred to as collège), designed to facilitate adaptation

Secondary education
In France, secondary education consists of four years of middle school and three years of high school.
Middle school, referred to as collège, marks entry into secondary education. It is organized into four levels and structured in cycles. The collège focuses on languages, deepening and broadening fundamental knowledge, as well as individual development. At the end of secondary school, students take the National Diploma exam (Brevet des collèges).
The mission of high school, referred to as lycée in French, is to ensure the success of each student and prepare them for further education. Students discover new fields of literature, economics, science, and technology. And in the end, they take the Baccalaureate exam; if completed successfully, it gives them access to higher education.
Cycle 4: Middle school (Collège)
Middle school is the beginning of secondary education, where students reinforce the basic skills they already acquired in previous cycles. The middle school years are designed to allow for multidisciplinary projects and activities, which are intended to broaden student learning.
7th Grade
In French, this level is referred to as classe de 5ème, and it represents the second year of collège.
8th Grade
In French, this level is referred to as classe de 4ème, and it represents the third year of collège.
9th Grade
In French, this level is referred to as classe de 3ème, and it represents the fourth and final year of collège.
Cycle 5: High School (Lycée)
The final years of secondary education are aimed at preparing each student to complete the Baccalauréat, which qualifies them to go on to tertiary education. Students choose between two tracks: general (literature, science, and economic and social sciences) or technological (STMG).
10th Grade
In French, this level is referred to as classe de 2ème, and it’s the first year of high school.
11th Grade
In French, this level is referred to as classe de 1ère, and it’s the second year of high school.
12th Grade
Referred to as classe de terminale, this is the final year of secondary education.
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