École française internationale de Zagreb

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Trainings and theatre

  1. Safety Drill PPMS: The drill took place this Friday, November 17, 2023, at 2:05 PM. It went very well. The students were well-prepared and behaved exemplarily. The drill taught us that we lack loudspeakers for the alert message to be well heard in all rooms. The kindergarten students were very quiet and hid well; the little ones were in the nap room.

    The principal and Mr. Rives visited all the classes to interact with the students. They were proud of them.

    Some children may not mention the drill at home, while others will talk about it. They are very curious, so you can discuss it with them. If your child has any questions before school or if you sense any apprehension after this drill, please contact us.

  2. Kindergarten Show: On Tuesday, November 21, the Mala scena theater comes to school to present the show "Princess and the Pea" to the kindergarten classes (project with the German Kindergarten) at 10 AM. The cost is €7 per child. Payment will be in cash and should be given to the kindergarten teachers.

  3. First Aid Training for 4th-grade classes, on Wednesday, November 22, 2023: Your child will participate in the first aid module A, in cooperation between our school and the Croatian Red Cross. It is a basic life support training that will last the entire morning (5 hours). The course will start at 8 AM; parents should take their children directly to the address - Edukacijski centar HCK, Ulica Crvenog križa 14, Zagreb. Don't forget to confirm if the children can return home by themselves after the course or if you will come to pick them up.

    The cost of this training is €30 per student, and at the end of the course, participants will receive their certificates in English - module A.

    Contents of the first aid training: Introduction to first aid; Procedure for an injured or suddenly ill person; Providing first aid in case of unconsciousness in a breathing person; Providing first aid in case of unconsciousness in a non-breathing person; Choking with a foreign body and severe external bleeding.

  4. Meeting of college and high school delegates: Thursday, 11/23, at 3:30 PM in the cafeteria (project, representatives on the school board)."