École française internationale de Zagreb

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They enjoy, we take care of the rest

Services + 🌐💼

We are thrilled to communicate the successful launch of our Services+ web-service, and we extend our gratitude to the many parents who have already utilized it to register their children. We also want to express our heartfelt appreciation to those who have recognized the effort behind it. Here are three important reminders:

1. Mandatory Registration: It is mandatory to register your children within the next week to ensure their continued participation in activities and daycare services.

2. Date Format Reminder: Please pay attention to the date format! Our web solution enforces the American format (MONTH-DAY-YEAR). It is crucial to input the date correctly to avoid any cancellation, which may incur a significant cost (up to 8€) for the school. We would prefer to allocate these funds to the school. Every Euro counts so, please be attentive!

3. Subscription for Other Services: Parents who have already paid for daycare for the year (or are paying in installments with their bill) do not need to resubscribe through Services+ (all cases have been informed). However, for new subscriptions to yearly daycare and other services such as daycare for the day, daycare for the month, and yearly activities, it is now mandatory to use Services+.

For more information, please refer to our FAQs

Eurocampus Update 🌍🇪🇺

Exciting News! We are delighted to announce that we have successfully fulfilled all requirements, and the school will access a substantial portion of the funds allocated for the renovation and construction project in the coming week. We have obtained the building permit and secured the executing company. The construction site is expected to be set up in January 2024. Detailed information on the construction process and plan will be provided in the coming weeks. Our goal is to inaugurate all newly constructed (sports hall and administration) and renovated (cafeteria/library) areas by the start of the new school year in September 2025.

Commissions Update 🤝📋

The campaign "We need help, we want you," launched a few weeks ago, is yielding already great results. Three out of the five proposed Commissions have already convened: 1) Inclusive school, 2) sustainable growth and the city of Zagreb, 3) events and volunteers.

The remaining two, Homologation, Installations, and Mobility, are yet to meet, but we hope they will do so soon. We encourage interested parents to join, as there is much to contribute!

Education and Exams Update 📚📝

The entire high school is now transitioning to a 100% international section. The 3es will be the first to present their DBN (Diplome au Brevet International), organized by EFIZ under AEFE supervision. Details regarding the calendar and test points will be provided to affected students by their teachers when the time comes.

Team News 👥

Mr. Kobus will be leaving us on January 24th, 2024 after a great stay at l’EFIZ, and we wish him the best. Mme Gucec will assume leadership and teach the international British section. Mme Gucec's profile has been validated by AEFE, and we have high expectations for her. Continuity of all educations is ensured, and we are actively searching for two backup teaching positions: one for English from January 24th and another for Croatian from April 3rd, 2024.

Car Wash 🚗💦✨

The 5th-grade classes are offering to clean your car on December 8th for an irresistible price: €4 (exterior only). Don't miss out on this opportunity!

For more information, please contact Julien White.

Year-End Celebrations!! 🎄We saved the best for last 🎉

EFIZ invites you to the year-end celebrations on:

- December 18th at 5:00 PM for French Primary school students.

- December 19th at 2:30 PM for Preschool students (French and German).

Craft workshops will be organized by the events committee during extracurricular times starting next week. Children attending daycare can participate on December 6th, 11th, and 12th. Artworks created by the children can be purchased on December 18th and 19th to help raise funds for upcoming events.

For Middle School and High School:

- December 20th: Secret Santa organized by French and German student delegates.

- January 19th: Winter Party for students from 6th to 11th grade.

For Everyone:

- December 15th: Ugly Christmas Sweater and Accessories Day at the French and German schools (International Ugly Christmas Sweater Day).