April: Brevet/ cooking workshop/ …

April brings a host of activities and events to the École Française Internationale de Zagreb (EFIZ). Here's an overview of the latest news:

AEFE Visit - Primary Language Mission

On Tuesday, April 23, and Wednesday, April 24, Mr. Orbach, a language instructor at the Institute of Research and Training (IRF) for the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), will be present at EFIZ for a mission related to primary education.

Intra-Eurocampus Exchange

In 4th and Klasse 8, students from both classes will participate in an intra-Eurocampus exchange. They will be mixed and follow the timetable of their new class or with their new classmates.

DNB Blanc No. 2

On Thursday, April 25, and Friday, April 26, students will take the second mock Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), with exams in history-geography EMC in the morning and in science (SVT-Physics) in the afternoon.

Judo Interventions

On Friday, April 29, on the occasion of the European Judo Championships in Zagreb, the French Judo Federation will be present at EFIZ for three sessions with primary classes. Students will have the opportunity to discover this sport through presentations, demonstrations, and other surprises. The sessions will be led by Larbi Benboudaoud, world champion in 1999 and silver medalist at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. The visit will also be marked by the presence of the president of the FFJDA and the ambassador to EFIZ. Here is the schedule for the sessions:

  • 9:15 am – 10 am: CE1-CE2

  • 10 am – 11 am: CM1-CM2

  • 11 am – 11:45 am: CP-CE1

Plaque in memory of Mr. Vigouroux

The plaque in memory of Mr. Vigouroux has been temporarily removed to protect it during ongoing construction work. It will be repositioned at the end of these works.

Optional outing "Mini Chef"

A cooking event is scheduled outside of school hours for the GS, CP, and CE1 classes. Children are invited to participate in the "Mini Chef" program at the Sport Educa center on Wednesday, May 8th. The activity includes a cooking session and the screening of a film in French, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The cost per student is €29. Departures will be by bus from the school at 12:40 pm, and children will be picked up on site by parents. Registrations can be made here.


  • Monday, April 22nd to Friday, April 26th: Intra-Eurocampus exchange 4e-Klasse 8

  • Thursday, April 25th: Mock DNB No. 2: Morning History-geography EMC; Afternoon Sciences (SVT-Physics)

  • Friday, April 26th:

    • Judo intervention in primary: 9:00 am - 11:45 am (CE1-CE2 9:15 am, CM1-CM2 10:00 am - 11:00 am, CP-CE1 11:00 am - 11:45 am)

    • Mock DNB No. 2: Morning History-geography EMC; Afternoon Sciences (SVT-Physics)

Staff Information:

Ms. Ravlić is coming back

On Monday, Ms. Ravlić will be returning. A big thank you to Ms. Kardum for her professionalism and good spirits during the past 4 months while she filled in.

New Chief Education Officer (CPE)

EFIZ is pleased to announce that Mr. Rives Miller has accepted the position of Chief Education Officer. In French schools, the CPE is responsible for the smooth running of school life and the management of extracurricular activities. With this appointment, EFIZ strengthens its management team and values Mr. Rives' qualities as a mediator, communicator with parents, and educator. This role will also provide ongoing professional development and training within the AEFE for Mr. Rives.


Repas, scéances d’information, summer camp, …


Avril: Brevet/ activité cuisine/ ….